In attendance were FarmGirl, BredaFallacy, Salamander, Gay_Cynic, Stingray, LabRat, JPG, Better and Better, Old_NFO, Me, Ambulance Driver (with the adorable Katybeth), Snarky, FarmMom, FarmDad, Mamaw, Snarkybytes, Lucrative Pain, LawDog, Phlegm Fatale, and a run'd over deer, and I know I'm forgetting someone. Please leave a comment on who I forgot.
But anyway, here's pics of everyone there. Bonus points if you can match the person to the... umm... pic. :D
Bonus bonus points if you can find the pic that started it all.
you're a strange person :)
Julie, it's a gift... and a curse. :D
I'm just gonna get the hell outta range... :-)
this is a GREAT post! (and holy crap, I'm short)
Luv it!
LOL Great pics!
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