Saturday, March 28, 2009

That was fun.

"Quick" out and back tonight. Well, this afternoon and tonight. That's max duty day for those who care. Took off from home just after a Level 3/4-ish storm rolled through. Which was neat, in a hang on to your seat sort of way. Then climbed to FL410 (41,000 ft.) and skimmed across the tops of the storms all the way to Florida. Then a quick hop across the state, west to east, and turned as fast as possible to get home before the snow and ice got here. Of course the storms had built in the intervening hours and we clawed our way up to FL430 and still didn't clear the tops. Lots of electrical activity. Which is pilot speak for a fuck load of lighting all around us. The flight back was pretty much bouncing off the tops of one line of thunderstorms after another. I think we crossed 4 lines on the way back. With a descent into some moderate stuff as we got home. F-f-f-fun. And I was worried I'd have trouble staying awake on the leg back.


Old NFO said...

Heh- At least you can GET to FL430! Try doing that at FL280... sigh...

Easily Lost said...

I darn near turned green just reading about it, no way would I want to actually go through it.