Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Random Thoughts

On a gunboard I frequent on IRC we were discussing the availability or lack thereof of ammo. One of the regulars was whining about hoarders and blah blah blah.

I had to say the definition of hoarding anything is:

If someone buys it before I can, it's hoarding.
If I buy it first, it's just stockpiling.

Simple, no?


Heath J said...

makes perfect sense to me...

I got some seriously odd looks when I bought every last brick of
$11 federal .22 ammo last may.

Jay G said...

Sounds about right to me.

I'm at the "screw 'em all, they're on their own" stage right about now...

I mentioned having a couple thousand rounds of .380 ACP on Gun Nuts chat and people were jumping all over me. I think I might start a business...

Old NFO said...

Agreed! Screwem if I get to it first :-)