Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Interesting comment.


I'm so glad I have comment moderation on now.  I got comment from some Maj-somedood Almadinnerjacket.  No, I'm not gonna put his real name up or link to his profile. 

Listen Maj-i-fucktard.  My blog isn't here for your money making scam.  It's here solely for my enjoyment.  I blog about what I want or need to and that's it.  It's not some fucking money making machine for me (like my 5 readers could generate more than .00001 cents per century) or for anyone else.

I don't give a fucking wisp of a hair of a rat's ass if you're having trouble making college tuition.  You can do what I did and fucking get your lazy ass off your flea infested couch you picked up on some corner and work your way through school. Oh, and put the bong down dude, you can't put epic dope fiend down on your resume and expect to get a job after school anywhere. Except maybe isolated parts of San Fransisco. 

And if you think that making up a name that sounds vaguely middle eastern or oriental is gonna guilt me into entering your little ponzi scheme, think again cheddah-head.  Our college system is so fucked you actually qualify for more free fucking financial aid that you never have to pay back then if you'd chosen the name Joseph Smith.  So, you know what you can do with your bleg for money for your fictitious college ed-a-ma-k-shun?  You can cram it up that waste of space ass of yours and have your roommates take hits off of it.

Oh, and if I ever see you try to put any comments up on my blog again, I'll hunt you down and beat you like a red headed step dog's unloved annoying cousin.

p.s. holy crap, when did I become my grandpa?


Old NFO said...

Don't sugar coat it AE :-)

Ambulance Driver said...

Seriously, Jim, tell us how you really feel.

Stingray said...

You can do what I did and fucking get your lazy ass off your flea infested couch you picked up on some corner and work your way through school.

New world, buddy boy. After a fashion, that's just exactly what your new friend Maj. Cap. Dickbutt is doing (assuming the school thing isn't just part of the spam). May not be quite as respectable as delivering pizza, but the end goal is the same. I mean, unless there were some comments about your mother and various other personal jabs, I doubt the schlub was doing it for *fun*.

vw: draol- and you thought prescriptions were hard to read before.